1Roommates-I had 3 great roommates that I got to know really well over the week. It was tons of fun. :) Keri, Tiff, and Erin and I became great friends. :) This made adventures super fun.
2Adventures-Well, we had many adventures! From getting lost in the city inside the hotel, toilet fiascos, sight-seeing, line dancing, swimming, beach parties, dresses, shopping, preparing to compete, talking, eating, and more!
Top 5 adventures:

The hotel was really beautiful. We stayed in the Opryland Gaylord hotel, and it was...HUGE! It was like a little city with beautiful gardens, rivers, shops, restuarants, fountains, waterfalls, and ballrooms. It was...fantastic. The very first night we were hungry, and were out just a bit too late simply because we got lost and really couldn't find our way back, and we never even found food!
The Toilet Fiasco
Basically, The toilet got stopped up on one of our first nights there. The water flooded our whole bathroom. EW. *Hence the face!* We quickly put towels to stop the water from flooding the whole room. We called our advisors who got there in record time to see our...mishap. Funniest moment: Mrs. Weight yelling "We have to dam it quickly! Dam! Dam! Dam!" Boy did that make us giggle...for hours... what a story!
So we loved line dancing! And went a few times, well if you count 3 full nights of it 'a few times' during the week. :) Lots an lots of line dancing, which we all now happen to rock at and love! :D Now I just need cowboy boots! HAHA! videos of the people leading us on youtube!

This mall was HUGE. Ok, honestly, it didn't seem much bigger than our mall here at home, but it had different things, which was fun, oh, and a movie theater and this awesome diner. 2 stories from the mall: a)Keri and I got me a STRAIGHTENER! (yeah that's right, I finally purchase an expensive and nice straightener, and I do so in Nashville. Awesome. It was a $150-200 straightener that I got for $100. Exciting. I technically got it for christmas where I would have gotten a stereo, but...well hadn't yet. :) For those of you that ask, it's an Amika.) and b) They had this diner, with an aquarium in the middle and a gift shop. It was awesome. Just FYI! They even had a diver inside. The pictures are from there, yeah, I can't make a fishy face...Keri, you may stop laughing now.
There were several parties we attended. The opening ceremony itself was like a party! But the best two were the beach party, where we hopped on a bus and went to a small water park party, and the Gala, where we got dressed up (Keri dressed me up, wasn't her dress adorable) and had great food, sang karaoke, and danced lots!
3Competing-well, so of course the whole purpose was to attend the meetings-workshops, classes, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and to COMPETE. I did ok, I got silver, but considering it was at nationals I wasn't too devastated. In my review sheets it looks like they LOVED my presentation, I got pretty close to perfect marks, but my portfolio wasn't exactly what they wanted. Oh well, the devil's in the details, remember it! But I did well, and had a blast!
So ta-da! That's my Nashville Nationals post! YAY for FCCLA!
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