Monday, March 8, 2010
So this morning I was super bummed, I was told to expect some sort of info as to the status of my job interview by Monday, and as it is Monday and I'd gotten nothing I was pretty sure that things hadn't gone as well as I'd hoped and that I was gonna have to resume the job hunt :( BUT! Then at 3:56 I got the call! I was a bit worried at first, but then they told me they do want me for the position! SO! On Wednesday, I am going in for a TB test at 11 and at 12:30 I'm going in to Just For Kids in Springville to fill out paperwork and learn details! SUPER YAY! I GOT A JOB!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Snail Mail
I wanted to make a quick announcement about how real letters from people can just make your day! Today around 2ish I got a letter from my friend Miller. He recently enlisted in the Army, and he's been gone to basic. I've written him a few times, and gotten a letter from him -but that was before he'd received my letters. However, this real letter was wonderful fun, and it totally made my day. So much so that I replied and mailed it (taking it to the post office, as obviously the mail had already come for the day) today. :) I can't wait for the next one. :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
thoughts of the current moment
I got home from my interview today (I got a call around 10:30 asking me if I could come in to interview at a place I'd submitted my resume to(haha yesterday!) today at 12:30. Of course I went in! It was a beautiful facility, super clean :) and organized. I think it went well so I really hope I can get this job! Cross your fingers for me!) and realized I didn't really have much to do until I go to the allyse's fitting tonight, and since I'm back in blogger mode, I thought to myself, I should go blog. :D
Right well so I was looking at my Aunt Dana's blog and thought it was pretty cute (layout wise is the point specifically mentioned here, but her content is too. :) ) and so I went to the site she got it at, and started looking at the free stuff and just was dying from all the cute and awesome buttons. So I just had a put a few in here-ready for the awesome?!


cool, yes? :) I may try one of her blog layouts, it's got elephants. I LOVE elephants!
Right well so I was looking at my Aunt Dana's blog and thought it was pretty cute (layout wise is the point specifically mentioned here, but her content is too. :) ) and so I went to the site she got it at, and started looking at the free stuff and just was dying from all the cute and awesome buttons. So I just had a put a few in here-ready for the awesome?!
cool, yes? :) I may try one of her blog layouts, it's got elephants. I LOVE elephants!
Monday Night
is the best, both for monday nights, and for tv. whodathunk?! Can I just say that while the Olympics are cool and all, having regularly scheduled programming is far superior!? at least in my book. I love so many monday night shows! Here are a few favorites of mine (not in a particular order)- Big Bang Theory
- How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM)
- Castle
- Chuck
- Life Unexpected
- Greek
- House
- Heroes(I don't actually watch this normally)
Monday, March 1, 2010
The Awesome Book of Awesome: preface
CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I am going to write a book. First I'm going to write chapters. Little installments. Then I'll go edit them up to make a real book. Then I may or may not send it to a publisher. We'll see. :D hehe. You may look forward to such chapter topics as: cookies, bass, books, music, car trips, adventures vs. quests, what makes jane austen books fabulous, how to enjoy cleaning, and much much more! So look forward to a chapter every so often. You're welcome to input topic suggestions, and you're MORE than welcome to shoot me a REMINDER E-MAIL if you haven't seen a chapter in a while. :D LOTSA LOVES!
Activity Days
Do you see all this fancy hair?! As I mentioned earlier in my post about the Primary Carnival, I'm an Activity Days leader for our ward! YAY! lots of happy. :D Well, last Thursday we had our activity to get pretty and take a group picture. I did 11 girls' hair in an hour! Are you impressed? You SHOULD BE! I know I was... pretty amazed. :) 3 updos. 4 curly. 1 straight. 1 flipped out. 2 waved. Wow. We have lots of fun, and are looking forward to our trip to the museum next Thursday. Lotsa loves to my girlies! :D
The Box "Fashion Show"
Sunday February 22nd 2010 a box was delivered to our home. In this box was not the printer advertised on the outside, but hand-me-down clothes from someone. And see, being girls, we of course had to try them on! This of course inspired a fashion show (because, much like the 'if you give a mouse a cookie' books so beautifully illustrated, certain things just happen because of certain choices). Here are MY favorite pics of each of us from this fashion show. We also have videos, if you wanna see them, shoot me an e-mail? :D Aren't we cute?
Thanks mysterious box-bringer.
Thanks mysterious box-bringer.
Karli Crazies!
As most of you know, I like to have both a dude and girl best friend. Well, for some time the guy has been tyler, and I've been lacking a female. (well I have Julia, but a BFFE doesn't work alone...) :( Well, never fear, Karli is here! :D
Karli is wonderful fun! Tyler called her my happifier. She's as crazy awesome as me, and we get along swimmingly. So well in fact, that, after many a sleepover here, she's decided that she's moving in here until we can get an apartment. Once she's 18 and out of highschool that is... :S hehe. We fit together great: she likes to make things awkward, and things don't really make me awkward, she likes to dance like a loon to loud music, so do I! She likes rainbows and guitar, I like bright colors and bass. We both love juice press. (YAY! finally something she likes more than her icky fast food!)
We've done many a fun thing: Alice, Ouran marathons, crazy dancing, many an adventure, movies, concerts, sleepovers, pretty-days, pedicures, making bracelets, etc. She's just a blast to be around.
We have a huge playlist of awesome entitled "Shinanigans":
- Tik Tok by Ke$ha
- When Did Your Heart Go Missing by Rooney
- I Got a Feeling by Black-Eyed Peas
- Emo Kid by Hollywood Undead
- Pretty Rave Girl by I Am X-Ray
- When You Were Young by The Killers
- Shake It by Metro Station
- Rooftops (Scream Your Heart Out) by Lostprophets
- Hello Seattle (Remix) by Owl City
- Misery Business by Paramore
- Miracle by Paramore
- Playing God by Paramore
- Such Great Heights by Postal Service
- Nothing Better by Postal Service
- My Darkest Hour by Scary Kids Scaring Kids (watch the music video. it's a huge part of why we love it!)
- Maps by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- Everything You Want by Vertical Horizon
- Love Song (Punk goes pop cover) by Four Years Strong
- Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus (overlook that fact and it's a lot of fun)
"Why'd it have to rain PINEAPPLES!?!"
Trip to California for Brianne's Wedding
My fam took a quick trip for the first weekend in February down to California for my cousin's wedding. It was lots of fun, the whole trip. I got to get things ready and we left early Thursday morning. We stopped, of course, at our favorite stop- the PlayPlace of Primm. In Primm there's a Carl's Jr. with the BEST playplace ever-as evidenced by the video!
We got there Thursday evening in time for a bonfire on the beach at sunset. Beautiful. The 'natives' were all cold and shivery, but we were like "There's no SNOW! It's BEAUTIFUL and WARM here!" hehe. So that was fun.
Friday morning we got up early to get ready and head down to the temple. Isn't this such a beautiful temple?
My mom made the comment that it looks like a Nephite temple and I TOTALLY agree! I'm thinking it may be my new favorite! :D
We spent that day with family doing wedding type stuff. The reception that night: beautiful. The newly weds looked super happy, eyes shining. YAY!!!
That night, my great uncle died on his way home from the reception, so we stayed an extra day to be with family.
The next day we came home. :D And that was our Cali trip!
We got there Thursday evening in time for a bonfire on the beach at sunset. Beautiful. The 'natives' were all cold and shivery, but we were like "There's no SNOW! It's BEAUTIFUL and WARM here!" hehe. So that was fun.
My mom made the comment that it looks like a Nephite temple and I TOTALLY agree! I'm thinking it may be my new favorite! :D
We spent that day with family doing wedding type stuff. The reception that night: beautiful. The newly weds looked super happy, eyes shining. YAY!!!
That night, my great uncle died on his way home from the reception, so we stayed an extra day to be with family.
The next day we came home. :D And that was our Cali trip!
New Years!
New Years was great fun!
There was the Stake Youth Activity, which was a lot of fun. I went with my sisters and Tyler. We did line dancing-which was great fun! as well as played apples to apples. :D
New Years itself my mom had work, so we didn't have a party or anything, but my friend Tyler came over, and we danced, which we always do. I taught them some of the line dances I got so awesome at while in Nashvill, and we had a lot of fun. Then we watched a movie.
Yay Lots of Fun!
p.s. my sister isn't really a's just sparkling cider, another new years tradition.
The Book Shelf
So, for Christmas Eve lots happened. Tyler and I went on an adventure. After he left, my sisters and I read (some of...) The Best Christmas Pageant Ever (cuz it's awesome and tradition). We all fell asleep in the same room...and I couldn't sleep so I snuck out and cleaned my room! And I mean CLEANED. It was super clean and organized too. But it ended up looking like...well like this:

Then for Christmas I got more books (the whole Tennis Shoes Series by Chris Heimerdinger! AMAZING! P.S. you should read them, they're great!) and a bookshelf! So now it looks like: well, beautiful!
Then for Christmas I got more books (the whole Tennis Shoes Series by Chris Heimerdinger! AMAZING! P.S. you should read them, they're great!) and a bookshelf! So now it looks like: well, beautiful!
The Christmas Season
So Our Christmas Season is always super busy! And I'm not entirely sure what to post, cuz I can't just give a list of...wait a minute! Here is the list that was my Christmas Season!
- Forgotten Carols-now I love the forgotten carols cd and book to death, they're FABULOUS, but going to see the show? ew. I've never enjoyed it, but I went, and watched the signers, which made it ok. :)
- Pioneer Christmas land?-IDK what it was called but we spent an evening at This is the Place Park? walking around in the snow, singing, hearing stories, etc. Super great.
- Christmas Show at Velour with Julia, Karli, and Tyler-
- Lights up at Temple Square=gorgeous
- Christmas Day! Wonderful Fun!
- P.s. I got what I asked for-camera and books. YAY!
we ended up waiting in line...a lot, but we got some great pics, an got to see Early Summer (which was why we went, my friend Trevor is in that band! they're great! See earlier post!)
We Shot the Moon Concert

OK MOM suck it! I am way ahead of you now, so I'm posting Halloween. HEHE. Every year we take a picture together of what we are, as well as individual. We were adorable as always! I was minnie mouse; Julia was a 3rd Former Vampire Student, from the House of Night books; Becca was...a demoness?; Katie was a Japanese Rock star from the 80's?; and Jacob was Wolverine! YAY for Halloween!
Primary Carnival!
WOOT! So I'm the Activity Day Leader for our ward, so I got to help in the Primary Carnival, which was super fun.
I was at the cake walk booth, and we had a blast. Playing disney music and walking around, and then giving winners chocolate frosted cupcakes. YUM and YAY!
Afterwards, during the 'whole ward' part, where they had dinner, Tyler came (he came to help. hehe yay!) and we took pictures at that booth with costumes, which was a blast. Great fun!
BTW:Elephants are my FAVORITES! I think I make a pretty cute one too!
Idaho Trip

Really quick! It was only a weekend, but it was great. For my grandparents' anniversary, my aunt arranged a get-together. Tyler and I drove up early, and stayed at gramma's, then the next day helped scan and get pictures together. The following day, my family came. We took pictures, and hung out together, finishing up on the videos. The next day, even more family came and we had a day long party for my grandparents, with lunch and family pictures and then going up to Starlight Mountain Theater, which was super fun! :D yay!
Nashville Nationals
I really needed to have done this far earlier, when I still remembered a lot. Three things pop instantly to my head with the thought of Nationals.
1Roommates-I had 3 great roommates that I got to know really well over the week. It was tons of fun. :) Keri, Tiff, and Erin and I became great friends. :) This made adventures super fun.

2Adventures-Well, we had many adventures! From getting lost in the city inside the hotel, toilet fiascos, sight-seeing, line dancing, swimming, beach parties, dresses, shopping, preparing to compete, talking, eating, and more!
The Hotel
The hotel was really beautiful. We stayed in the Opryland Gaylord hotel, and it was...HUGE! It was like a little city with beautiful gardens, rivers, shops, restuarants, fountains, waterfalls, and ballrooms. It was...fantastic. The very first night we were hungry, and were out just a bit too late simply because we got lost and really couldn't find our way back, and we never even found food!

The Toilet Fiasco
Basically, The toilet got stopped up on one of our first nights there. The water flooded our whole bathroom. EW. *Hence the face!* We quickly put towels to stop the water from flooding the whole room. We called our advisors who got there in record time to see our...mishap. Funniest moment: Mrs. Weight yelling "We have to dam it quickly! Dam! Dam! Dam!" Boy did that make us giggle...for hours... what a story!

Line Dancing
So we loved line dancing! And went a few times, well if you count 3 full nights of it 'a few times' during the week. :) Lots an lots of line dancing, which we all now happen to rock at and love! :D Now I just need cowboy boots! HAHA! videos of the people leading us on youtube!

The Mall
This mall was HUGE. Ok, honestly, it didn't seem much bigger than our mall here at home, but it had different things, which was fun, oh, and a movie theater and this awesome diner. 2 stories from the mall: a)Keri and I got me a STRAIGHTENER! (yeah that's right, I finally purchase an expensive and nice straightener, and I do so in Nashville. Awesome. It was a $150-200 straightener that I got for $100. Exciting. I technically got it for christmas where I would have gotten a stereo, but...well hadn't yet. :) For those of you that ask, it's an Amika.) and b) They had this diner, with an aquarium in the middle and a gift shop. It was awesome. Just FYI! They even had a diver inside. The pictures are from there, yeah, I can't make a fishy face...Keri, you may stop laughing now.

There were several parties we attended. The opening ceremony itself was like a party! But the best two were the beach party, where we hopped on a bus and went to a small water park party, and the Gala, where we got dressed up (Keri dressed me up, wasn't her dress adorable) and had great food, sang karaoke, and danced lots!
3Competing-well, so of course the whole purpose was to attend the meetings-workshops, classes, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and to COMPETE. I did ok, I got silver, but considering it was at nationals I wasn't too devastated. In my review sheets it looks like they LOVED my presentation, I got pretty close to perfect marks, but my portfolio wasn't exactly what they wanted. Oh well, the devil's in the details, remember it! But I did well, and had a blast!

So ta-da! That's my Nashville Nationals post! YAY for FCCLA!
1Roommates-I had 3 great roommates that I got to know really well over the week. It was tons of fun. :) Keri, Tiff, and Erin and I became great friends. :) This made adventures super fun.
2Adventures-Well, we had many adventures! From getting lost in the city inside the hotel, toilet fiascos, sight-seeing, line dancing, swimming, beach parties, dresses, shopping, preparing to compete, talking, eating, and more!
Top 5 adventures:

The hotel was really beautiful. We stayed in the Opryland Gaylord hotel, and it was...HUGE! It was like a little city with beautiful gardens, rivers, shops, restuarants, fountains, waterfalls, and ballrooms. It was...fantastic. The very first night we were hungry, and were out just a bit too late simply because we got lost and really couldn't find our way back, and we never even found food!
The Toilet Fiasco
Basically, The toilet got stopped up on one of our first nights there. The water flooded our whole bathroom. EW. *Hence the face!* We quickly put towels to stop the water from flooding the whole room. We called our advisors who got there in record time to see our...mishap. Funniest moment: Mrs. Weight yelling "We have to dam it quickly! Dam! Dam! Dam!" Boy did that make us giggle...for hours... what a story!
So we loved line dancing! And went a few times, well if you count 3 full nights of it 'a few times' during the week. :) Lots an lots of line dancing, which we all now happen to rock at and love! :D Now I just need cowboy boots! HAHA! videos of the people leading us on youtube!

This mall was HUGE. Ok, honestly, it didn't seem much bigger than our mall here at home, but it had different things, which was fun, oh, and a movie theater and this awesome diner. 2 stories from the mall: a)Keri and I got me a STRAIGHTENER! (yeah that's right, I finally purchase an expensive and nice straightener, and I do so in Nashville. Awesome. It was a $150-200 straightener that I got for $100. Exciting. I technically got it for christmas where I would have gotten a stereo, but...well hadn't yet. :) For those of you that ask, it's an Amika.) and b) They had this diner, with an aquarium in the middle and a gift shop. It was awesome. Just FYI! They even had a diver inside. The pictures are from there, yeah, I can't make a fishy face...Keri, you may stop laughing now.
There were several parties we attended. The opening ceremony itself was like a party! But the best two were the beach party, where we hopped on a bus and went to a small water park party, and the Gala, where we got dressed up (Keri dressed me up, wasn't her dress adorable) and had great food, sang karaoke, and danced lots!
3Competing-well, so of course the whole purpose was to attend the meetings-workshops, classes, opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and to COMPETE. I did ok, I got silver, but considering it was at nationals I wasn't too devastated. In my review sheets it looks like they LOVED my presentation, I got pretty close to perfect marks, but my portfolio wasn't exactly what they wanted. Oh well, the devil's in the details, remember it! But I did well, and had a blast!
So ta-da! That's my Nashville Nationals post! YAY for FCCLA!
I've decided that with the exception of Halloween, Christmas, and New Years, I'm going to smush all these holidays together really quickly! HAHA. cleverness. :) SO HERE WE GO!
4th of July- was super fun. Tyler took me to his grandparents' for the day! :) They had a little...fair/carnival...thing at the park that we walked to after going to a parade. It was fun. Fun Story: Walking home from the park, Tyler and I totally got lost and took forever, despite his having an Iphone, isn't that why he pays so much for it?! to avoid such situations?! oh well! :) I rode home with his mother in time to nap and have fireworks with the fam! :D yay! BTW, yes I WAS in red, white and blue. Such is the tradition!

Thanksgiving/Black Friday-was pretty typical. Super sleepy, nice day with mother and sisters doing a fabulous job with dinner (I'm such a bugger. I didn't help much. Not that I COULD help much, I just get in the way with so many in the kitchen.) But then we look at ads and watch movies. It's what we do. :) Black friday was...interesting. I got presents for christmas and cds etc (I used to with dad as a kid, and I can't stop!) and guess what? a BIKE! SO EXCITED!..too bad it's cold
Valentine's Day- I had a few 'valentine's day's due to it being on a sunday, and my best guy friend going away for the weekend. So, we had a friend date on Thursday (before he left) and went to see Dear John, which btw, isn't worth it. Sad does not equal romance people! Then we went to see Glenna and have a bit of an adventure, taking mom ice cream and seeing her at work. Then Tyler and I went to discovery park (BEST PARK EVER!) to draw with the candy conversation hearts that are disgusting and chalky anyways. These were a year old anyways, ew, but they worked. :) FUN STUFF.

The next day I hung out with Karli, and we had the 'threepover' three day sleepover. She was here Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and I took her home on Monday morning! INSANE right?! Sunday I got all dolled up, and felt super cute, and then hung with my besties, Karli and Julia. :)
4th of July- was super fun. Tyler took me to his grandparents' for the day! :) They had a little...fair/carnival...thing at the park that we walked to after going to a parade. It was fun. Fun Story: Walking home from the park, Tyler and I totally got lost and took forever, despite his having an Iphone, isn't that why he pays so much for it?! to avoid such situations?! oh well! :) I rode home with his mother in time to nap and have fireworks with the fam! :D yay! BTW, yes I WAS in red, white and blue. Such is the tradition!

Thanksgiving/Black Friday-was pretty typical. Super sleepy, nice day with mother and sisters doing a fabulous job with dinner (I'm such a bugger. I didn't help much. Not that I COULD help much, I just get in the way with so many in the kitchen.) But then we look at ads and watch movies. It's what we do. :) Black friday was...interesting. I got presents for christmas and cds etc (I used to with dad as a kid, and I can't stop!) and guess what? a BIKE! SO EXCITED!..too bad it's cold
Valentine's Day- I had a few 'valentine's day's due to it being on a sunday, and my best guy friend going away for the weekend. So, we had a friend date on Thursday (before he left) and went to see Dear John, which btw, isn't worth it. Sad does not equal romance people! Then we went to see Glenna and have a bit of an adventure, taking mom ice cream and seeing her at work. Then Tyler and I went to discovery park (BEST PARK EVER!) to draw with the candy conversation hearts that are disgusting and chalky anyways. These were a year old anyways, ew, but they worked. :) FUN STUFF.
The next day I hung out with Karli, and we had the 'threepover' three day sleepover. She was here Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and I took her home on Monday morning! INSANE right?! Sunday I got all dolled up, and felt super cute, and then hung with my besties, Karli and Julia. :)
oh dear...
so... it's been quite a while since my last post! so! quick update list of what's to come! :)
- 4th of July
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving/Black Friday
- Christmas
- New Years
- Valentine's Day
- Nashville Nationals
- Idaho Trip
- Primary Carnival
- The Book Shelf
- Bri's Wedding Trip
- Karli Crazies
- The 'fashion show'
- Activity Days
- Book Installments
- TV shows
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