Thursday, May 21, 2009

ASL Pics

what up? so I've missed several weeks of vids, which I will make up for eventually. However, here's a huge one. Here are my ASL PICS for a class assignment.

I'll number them. Guess what I am signing and the theme. If you get all 10 right (and the bonus)... you get to... know you're smart? or pick the vid for the first week of June. (last week of may is taken.) haha. Comment with answers, I will only give them personally!

4. 5.
6. 7.
8. 9.

Bonus. What is the theme of these pictures? (hint: the answer is not 'signs' 'asl' or 'emily')

GOOD LUCK! (fun stuff, eh?!)


DeAnna said...

Am I allowed to guess?

Tina Lu said...

I have some ideas. Where do you want me to put my answers?

Tina Lu said...

I have some ideas. Where do you want me to put my answers?

Unknown said...

mom, of course. tinalu, just either shoot me an e-mail, or facebook message. or comment if you really want. hehe