Tuesday, April 28, 2009

ASL Vid of the Week #2: Excited

Ok! so sorry this is a day late. Forgive me. HEHE. BUT! there's so much happening this week I debated between 3 signs: excited, busy, and tired. WELL! I'm always tired, so I'll do that another time. Additionally, I'm not quite as busy this week as next, so look forward to next week's sign. SO! I'm excited. Anxious might be a better word, so I'll prolly attach that vid too. just for 'kicks and giggles' (what does that even MEAN?!) But I'm excited/anxious because wednesday( tomorrow! AH!) I have my Math 1050 (also known as college algebra) final. Friday mom graduates from college (way to become an RN MOMMY!) and Saturday is my Prom! SO! Lots to look forward too, with or without dread. SO! Excited/Ecstatic (same sign) and Anxious everyone!

Just as a P.S.: If you have any words in particular you wanna know, just comment/im/e-mail/facebook/contact me some way and let me know. I'll either find a vid I have of it,make a vid myself, or ask my teacher (the darling woman in these) to sign them for me!


Unknown said...

Good luck! You're awesome at that class and you know it.

Tiffany!! said...

Which teacher is that? I have Cannon for ASL, and my friend has Millee. Is the lady in the vid either of those? Who do/did you have?? :)

tootsiebubbles said...

It's Cannon. She's AWESOME! You're taking ASL?! fun! If you want we can practice over the summer so you go in knowing LOTS. :) (of course, nothing really works as a substitute for the class.) However, She doesn't really like being called 'mrs. cannon' so she likes us (she told us to) call her McCall (1st name) She's pregnant right now though! EXCITING stuffs.

Tiffany said...

cool! I'm excited!! and yeah that would be cool/fun [if we practiced over the summer ). When is she due? But she's still teaching next year right??

tootsiebubbles said...

i'm pretty sure she'll still be teaching. I think she's due in the beginning of the summer...but i'm not sure. and yes, we shall practice then!