Saturday, May 30, 2009

the "after"

So I just graduated, and now I had quite a lot of fun. Night of graduation we had a big dinner and barbecue which was a BLAST. Then! Tyler, Austin and I went to the Senior All-Nighter. The school hosted until 3ish am and then we went to macey's and walmart (2 places still open at that time!) then Denny's for breakfast. By that time the sun was up signaling all-night-hood!

Then Austin and I took a nap before I had physical therapy. Then he dropped me off at my house and we each took some time to nap and get ready before we went to a concert!

Around 1ish we went to the library and then went up to SLC for The Big @ss Show hosted by a fav. radio station of ours- x96. It was a lot of fun! There were a TON of bands, including Medina Lake, Red Jumpsuit Aparatus, and the headliner: The Offspring!

So lots of fun! Now it's time for lots of resting!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Well, now it's time for Graduation #3...that matters to my life most...

So I got everything taken care of. And today, I graduated. WOOHOO. We took pics with friends and family right after, and booked it outa there! ALL DONE. Mom had a barbecue for when we got home, and it was fun just to chill with family and eat yummy food.

Tonight is the Senior All-Nighter, but I'm busy now. I'll tell you all about it next chance I get!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

END to the Crazies!

So! Yesterday I finished up my packets, went to east shore, tested and massive passed. ALL done!

Today I went to the school (after sleeping through yearbook day :( ) and talked to my counselor. Everything by my second term of precal went through. But see, I've been having homework crazies making sure it DID get done. So he had me call EHS (Electronic High School) and I had to wait for a long time. Then I called again, and finally got somebody. We talked and she figured out what was up, and that she had to contact the teacher and find the scores in order to get them to the counselor. She told me to call back in 30-60 mins.

Well, I went to the Seminary Building, got my scriptures. Then I spoke to and helped Mrs. Weight. She's going with me to Tennessee for Nationals, and so she and I are friendly. Which is good. She also got a stinker of an end of the year, because she has to switch rooms, but wasn't allowed to do it when she still had students to help her! And she's moving SEWING MACHINES! Lots of them. So Tyler and I helped for a bit.

Then I called the EHS lady and she said she found the info, and had to fix it up. But that I could go talk to my counselor in 15 min. or so and it would be sent. Well, after 15 more mins or so of helping, we went, and TADA, there was my credit. I got my cap and gown and felt GREAT!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

ASL Pics

what up? so I've missed several weeks of vids, which I will make up for eventually. However, here's a huge one. Here are my ASL PICS for a class assignment.

I'll number them. Guess what I am signing and the theme. If you get all 10 right (and the bonus)... you get to... know you're smart? or pick the vid for the first week of June. (last week of may is taken.) haha. Comment with answers, I will only give them personally!

4. 5.
6. 7.
8. 9.

Bonus. What is the theme of these pictures? (hint: the answer is not 'signs' 'asl' or 'emily')

GOOD LUCK! (fun stuff, eh?!)


ok. as of last time:

here are my 3 fav. senior pics (of right this very moment!) There are much more on my facebook.

here are my current 3 fav. supplemental (taken when we did Senior Pics) prom pictures. once again, more on facebook.

I continue faithfully working on graduation credit. However, I finished both quarters of pre-calculus (just have to send her a few more assignments.) and passed the tests! Now I've just got English. Wish me luck!

My seminary graduation was great, it all worked out. Exciting stuffs! Cool beans too, I can officially say I'm a seminary graduate. I can also admit that due to my health, I worked a lot harder for my graduation than most of the people there.

Senior Sluff was fun. There are pics Tyler and Austin took up on facebook. Boondocks wasn't bad. It's not Lagoon, but it wasn't bad.

Sorry I never have time to post as of late, hopefully things will...ease up after this crunch-time.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Senior Season

So there's lots that's going on because I'm a senior:

-Senior Pics
-Graduation Credit Work
-Seminary Graduation
-Senior Sluff/Activity Day

So check on senior pics. They're taken, and we'll get them back asap. So, be awaiting those and my graduation announcements! 2 conflicting feelings-I. I love Marta and think I'll look pretty in my pictures. (Merely pretty, I don't look like a senior, I look so young still. And, I'm no model!) II. I don't want pictures that are pretty. I want pictures that reflect me, my personality and all. And me is funny faces, crazy poses, and insanity. Too bad that's not what Marta wants to portray. :S Oh well. They'll be...good.

Credit work-see Homework Crazies and know that I'm still working.

Seminary Graduation is tonight. I turned in my makeup work and really hope it all went through, cuz if not I'll just die! :( so cross your fingers! I'll tell more later (if I get the chance).

Senior Sluff/Activity Day is TOMORROW! Tell you all about it tomorrow (afterwards) when I tell you about Seminary Graduation.

Graduation is such a crazy thing. I hope it all works out, that would suck if not. :S So cross your fingers for me, and I'll work hard and hope things all work out.

Homework Crazies

And I mean CRAZIES. So, I have to do yet another term of precal before this Wednesday (and that's still late!), 2 packets of English (as Bodily told me there's no hope of passing. grr), and the work to pass ASL (including the ARCs). SIGH. so basically, be grateful you're not me, and I won't show you the amount of homework I've got on my lists. You'd pass out, it's very hard for ME to handle it.

AP Tests

Why do we do such stupid things to ourselves? I mean, of course, I see the value of AP classes and tests. It's an inexpensive way to get necessary college credits, and a great way to challenge ourselves. That's what I find crazy-the challenge. The stress and work associated is pure madness. I only had 2 AP tests, I can't even imagine friends of mine like Megan, who is taking 5+ tests this year alone! I'm only taking 2 this year on the same subject. English Language and Composition, and English Literature and Composition. I found the Lit test to be much easier, but they were both...within my reach. Oh I hope I did ok. But now I'm very glad they're over. It was like a huge weight being lifted off me. Too bad that huge weight is only the tip of the iceberg huh?


More will be coming soon. I'm still working on acquiring good pictures. Our photographer had...issues. SO! I'll be obtaining those as soon as possible, some of which will be included in my senior pictures (YAY Marta.) But I will say it was a lot of fun, if also a lot of ick. hehe. It's prom, what can I say?! I had a breakdown in the morning (cuz I'm a freak) and then we had mom's surprise party, which was amazing, and I tried SO hard not to cry as Julia and I sang to mom. Followed by an hour of making Megan all gorgeous (She really doesn't need my help, but it's nice to have someone do your hair and makeup!) then I went and had a professional professionally destroy my hair. After which, mom and dina helped make my hair pretty, and a lot better, though not ideal. (since when would that be realistic?) I scrambled to get ready, put on my makeup, and go with Austin to Ihop for a VERY FUN dinner, though we arrived late. Then we got our pictures taken. It was kinda cold, and it took a while, plus we had to sign stupid copyright stuff. After that, we went to the dance-crazy fun. But, it killed me. Oh the pain of dancing like a crazy person in a dress when your back already hates you. But it was fun! And now, I'm glad I went, but I'm also very glad that it's over.

oh wow

k. so here's a lot of what's been happening. I haven't had time to blog since before prom! yikes. so list:
-AP Tests
-Homework Crazies
-Senior Season

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ASL Vid of the Week #3: Overwhelmed

Ok, so I still have to post about mom's surprise party, and prom. And now I'm doing my catchup ASL vid. I have so much going on, and yet I'm so dumb about time, etc, that I thought this sign fitting. There's 2 signs:

I like this 1st one better. Like everything is coming down on you:

Friday, May 1, 2009

graduation #1

this year there will be at least 3 graduations I'll be attending! #1 was today! MOM HAS OFFICIALLY GRADUATED! cool stuff huh? well, tomorrow is prom...sigh. post more then...technically after midnight, but still...